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How to get rid of Hayfever naturally start in winter

Is winter the time to prepare for spring hayfever?

Acupuncture for Hay Fever:
Prevent & Manage With Chinese


Acupuncture, Allergies and Autoimmune
Although spring signifies new beginnings, it also marks the start of pollen season... and
for most of us, this means one thing – hay fever. Do you:
● wonder each year how bad this spring will be?
● think to yourself, “why doesn’t this happen to everyone”?
● continue applying the same methods with minimal results?
● not CONSIDER the options and endure discomfort for months on end?

The weather is warming up, flowers are blooming, and your body is...suffering.
You may have noticed that you sneeze more when the seasons change... or when
you’re cleaning the house (Spring cleaning). That’s because there are likely more
allergens in the air—things that cause an allergic reaction. Typically, this occurs around
springtime because plants and flowers are in bloom. Most people have a reaction to the
pollen found in the air. This is due to the body clearing itself of any foreign bodies.
Here are a few things you should know about hay fever in Australia:
Hay fever is mainly caused by grass pollen, which is transported by the wind. The pollen
swirling around is great for plant growth but not for some of our bodies. Other triggers
for hay fever include:
● dust mites
● the weather
● pets
● and more... an important aspect to consider is determining what triggers your reactions. Hay
fever is also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis. It affects around 3 million Australians,
according to statistics. Hay fever is inflammation or swelling of the nose lining. Its
symptoms include:
● sneezing
● nasal discharge
● itchy and watery eyes
● a runny or blocked nose
● itchy ears, nose, and/or throat
● headaches

Why Does My Body React This Way?
Your body naturally reacts when it detects foreign particles in your system. This occurs
when pollen reaches the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This
reaction creates an immune response, which produces histamines... and that’s why we
start suffering from these familiar symptoms.
The Typical Western Treatment
Typically, Western medicine prescribes antihistamines or decongestants... ... however,
these medications are often associated with side effects. These effects include
drowsiness and resistance suppression. (Before loading your medication, please follow
all refrigeration and storage instructions from your doctor, pharmacist or the medicine
packaging.) Below are the typical Western medicine options and over-the-counter hay
fever medication:
Oral antihistamine
Most commonly used to stop chemical messenger histamines. Used for symptom relief
such as itchy eyes and throat, watery eyes, sneezing, and runny nose. Yet, generally,
they do not relieve congestion.
Corticosteroid nasal spray
The most effective hayfever medication to relieve congestion. It narrows blood vessels,
which reduces inflammation and swelling.
Anticholinergic nasal spray
This reduces mucous secretion, thus helping stop a runny nose.

Introducing regular doses of the allergens to your body... orders your body to get used
to the allergen over time.

However, when it comes to hay fever... pollen isn’t the only culprit! If it was, everyone
would be experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms. Continue reading to
understand other ways in which hay fever can occur.
A Chinese Medicine Perspective
We believe that when the pollen arrives, our discomfort levels grow. Breaking
news—the pollen is not the issue, it is the immune system. Your immune system has
the habit of reacting excessively under pressure. This becomes apparent after just one
symptom-reducing acupuncture for hay fever treatment. In most situations, we see an
immediate and lasting response. The cause-and-effect issue occurs when winter arrives
and gives us doses of colds and cases of flu... just before spring. Furthermore, our busy
lifestyles severely tax our health reserves. Work, family, socialising, and other activities
leave us exhausted. A combination of fatigue, illnesses, medications, overwork, etc,
leaves our immune system with little strength left to fight off allergens. Acupuncture
for hay fever directly targets the site of the inflammation. It also strengthens the
immune system, digestion, and lungs. We are now treating the root cause and not
just the symptoms.
What Does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Say?
Seasonal allergies and hay fever are triggered by imbalances or systemic deficiencies.
As discussed before, TCM views hay fever and allergic rhinitis as an over-reaction of
the immune response... ... and the constitutional weakness of one or more organs
The Spleen
The Spleen system includes our digestive health: the ability to digest and absorb
nutrients from our food.
Spleen deficiency is one of the most common patterns that I
see in the clinic among my hay fever patients.

The combination of weak lungs Qi and tired immunity leaves one unable to defend
themselves. Constant suffering from respiratory illnesses leaves the lung system weak.
The Kidney
A TCM Kidney deficiency is very prominent, especially in modern society. Almost
everyone is overworked and/or stressed. In modern terms, this can be understood as
adrenal fatigue or ‘burnout’.
What is the best treatment for allergic rhinitis?
When treating hay fever with TCM, we use a combination of acupuncture and Chinese
herbs. This is how we gain control of the symptoms immediately... and prevent the
allergic reaction from recurring. Chinese medicine treatments are cumulative. They
reduce symptom frequency and intensity over a course of treatments. Quality of life will
improve... and you will start to experience:

● better vitality
● better sleep
● better digestion (which means more energy!)
● more calmness and relaxation

Acupuncture is particularly effective for:
● nasal passage congestion
● post-nasal drip
● inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages
● itchy nose, eyes, and throat

What is the fastest way to cure allergic rhinitis?
Most patients experience relief within the first session... and symptoms can be well
under control within 10 sessions of acupuncture for hayfever. After, maintenance
treatments are recommended for the prevention of recurrence. In just a few sessions,
patients are able to reduce the use of antihistamines and corticosteroids. This all
depends on the severity of the symptoms and the patient's state of health.
Chinese herbal medicine can address the underlying causes of any systemic
deficiencies. These herbal formulas are customised for each individual. To achieve the

best outcomes within the shortest time frame, formulas are tweaked on a weekly basis.
No two hay fever patients are treated with the same strategy... treatments are tailored
to each individual’s conditions and constitutional deficiencies.
Can acupuncture help with allergies?
In some severe cases, we see:
● recurring asthma
● wheezing
● secondary respiratory infections
● coughing headaches
● and post-nasal drip

The peak season for hay fever in Melbourne is typically around September to December.
Our acupuncturists have conducted hundreds of treatments during these four months.
Below are a few more reasons to use acupuncture for hay fever as your solution.
Build Strength
As discussed, the effect of acupuncture is always cumulative. The purpose of
acupuncture for hayfever is to prevent our body and immune system from
overreacting to allergens.
Acupuncture for hay fever focuses on improving a person’s well-being... instead of
temporarily relieving symptoms. Acupuncture focuses on the root of the tree, not the
branches of symptoms. TCM holds that the overreaction of the immune system is the
principal cause of hay fever... this indicates a deficiency of our ‘Qi’.
Natural & Safe
Acupuncture for hay fever is completely natural and drug-free... a safe method for the
treatment of hay fever symptoms.
What are some natural remedies for hayfever?
Specific herbs for allergy symptoms may include:

● Goldenrod
● Rosemary

● Sage
● Nettles
● Eyebright
● Jing Jie
● Quercetin

The team at Sustain Health recommends remedies with antihistamine properties. These
herbs can drain mucus congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses and boost the
immune system. The diet also plays a critical role in controlling seasonal allergies. It’s best
to avoid the following foods:
● Dairy products
● Desserts and sugar-laden items
● Processed foods
● Cold and raw foods (which have the tendency to increase mucus

As an example, frozen yoghurt or chocolate ice cream would be a big no-no during both
winter and spring. A more efficient digestive process brings a reduction of mucus
build-up. This reduction reduces congestion and irritation.
Here Are Some Other Useful Ideas to Reduce Your Symptoms:
Avoid the pollen
Sensibly, people with allergies/food intolerances avoid their allergens or triggers. This
also applies to people with hay fever. Spending the day in a park on a windy
high-pollen day will obviously upset your system. Hay fever may seem to be a small
inconvenience while spending time outdoors with others. However, exposure to a
high dose of pollen may trigger a fierce histamine response... this encounter can reduce
the body’s ability to tolerate even small amounts of pollen for the rest of the season.
Monitor the pollen count and avoid going outside on high-pollen or windy days. If
traveling between locations, wear sunglasses, a face mask, and a scarf.
Flush out the pollen
Use Saline nasal sprays and eye drops to remove pollen and other allergens. They are
effective at flushing out allergens that have entered the system. Apply them as directed

morning, night, and after trips outside on high-pollen days. Do not leave home without
Apply a heat bag
If your nose is congested but not runny – do not blow it. If your eyes are itchy, do not
scratch them. It will further increase histamine release and inflammation. Heat can
reduce inflammation. It will stop itching and reduce swelling and congestion. Make sure
the heat bag is allergen and dust free. Another option is to use the edge of a warm cup
of tea (then drink it!). Apply heat to:
The Eyebrows.
The inner and outer tips of the eyebrows are hay fever acupuncture points (Bladder
2, Yuyao, SanJiao 23). These points will help reduce symptoms. The entire eyebrow is
in front of the frontal sinus... which can harbour many inflammatory bodies.
The temples.
This gives access to the hay fever acupuncture point TaiYang. This point reduces
one’s vulnerability to the wind and soothes headaches.
The sides of the nose and cheeks.
This will reduce the inflammation in the nasal and maxillary sinuses. It will soothe the
nose and eyes. Heat is better than cold in this circumstance. Cold cuts off circulation.
Cold makes it harder for the blood supply to process and stop the histamine reaction.
Cold or ice will also make the skin more sensitive – causing chills and increased
Spring Clean
Vacuum and wipe down everything, especially under the bed. Get rid of all the dust and
allergens that are keeping the body on high alert.
Suffering from hay fever? Book in to see one of our highly experienced acupuncturists
or call us for your acupuncture for hay fever treatment on 1300 432 639

acupuncture for hay fever

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Posted by Michelle McNeill


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