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Lifestyle News - Where does your gaze fall when you are feeling good?
Have you noticed . . .


Where does your gaze fall when you are feeling good?

Have you noticed . . .

The expansiveness of you vision and tendency to look up at the sky?

When we are feeling positive about ourselves and the world at large, we are more inclined to want to connect with others and with our immediate environment.

We might find that our eye is drawn to notice things that haven't before come into our awareness.

These moments of coming into relationship with our surroundings and taking in the detail allows us to experience life from a fresh perspective.

When our eye catches a flower, a falling leaf, or the way that the light amplifies different shades of the same colour, these micro moments of connection are small ways that we can tough into feeling safe and that we are part go something greater.

When we aren't feeling so good, in time of challenge or stress, recalling and embodying these moments that fill us with a sense of pleasure and connection can help us shift the state of our nervous system.

Even the smallest movement provides the ability to be flexible allowing us to reshape our nervous system, inviting in the opportunity for a regulating moment, no matter how brief.

You might like to invite your body to take in this moment as deeply as it would like, brining awareness to the sensations that come as you relive the moment of connection and wonder that it brings.

Posted by Michelle Sacchetti


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